From the Bible
Isaiah 49:22
This is what the Sovereign Lord says:
“See, I will beckon to the nations,
I will lift up my banner to the peoples;
they will bring your sons in their arms
and carry your daughters on their hips.
Kerygma Norway Summer 2011
”Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
2 Kings 6:16
Kerygma is the Greek for proclamation, an announcement that a king’s official said. The word is used in the NT, to preach or bring the messLage (Rom 16:15, Titus 1:3).We are preaching Jesus, also with using Banners. Our Kerygma is about what God is doing now, and will do.
Dear friends in Christ.
On The 30 of July we experienced the Lord’s speech to us. We were on Gotland in Sweden only some days, after the attack on Norway:
“The Lord has lifted the Banner over Norway. A huge satanic, fatal attack was hindered by a multitude of Gods own angels. They were in Oslo and on Utøya, in the same way they were in the United States “11 September.”
The attack on Norway was carefully planned. The evil had been given flesh and blood. The goal was to strike the former Prime Minister, former Leader of WHO Gro Harlem Brundtland, but also the Labor party. He wanted to kill as many as possible. But God’s angels were also there.
Some Christians saw a large host of angels was sent to Norway. Media has also conveyed that it had not gone after the perpetrator’s plan; he had been hindered and delayed. The bomb exploded after hundreds had left the governments building and the surrounding houses. The car with the bomb was parked over a manhole cover, so the explosion first got down in the ground, before it came up and around. In addition, the perpetrator had two bombs more, which not became detonated.
Delayed He arrived Utøya. Gro Harlem Brundtland had already left the island, and the youth were scattered throughout the area. When Gro heard about the bomb in Oslo, she interrupted the meeting, brought along her grandchildren (she told us) and traveled immediately to Oslo. When the police special forces approached the man, he unexpectedly threw the weapon and surrendered. Several of those who were shot on the island, they survived miraculously. Many very serious injuries have saved their lives at hospitals. Angels were there and they are still there.
The day when rescue crews ended the search and all the victims had been found, some said they saw the rainbow over Utøya. God stand by His promises. God was in the tragic (and is still there). A lady saw a 3 yard large angel, by the flower-sea outside Cathedral of Oslo. A strong light came from above, and she heard the angel saying: “Don’t worry. I have taken care of many deaths; they are in heaven, with me.” Several persons noticed a special atmosphere, and gathered to the lady.
The members of the Government and the Prime Minister Stoltenberg have been very wise, keep holding the people together. All over the world, many have been marveled about what has happened in Norway, after 22 July. Prince Haakon of Norway said: “The streets were full of love”. A wave of love, care and compassion were enclosed, and enclosing stills the rescuers, the victims and all the relatives. Hatred was turned to sadness, thorns to flowers. The Prime minister also came with a surprising statement: “We must now fight against evil.” We believe this wave of love and compassion is sent us by God.
Unless the Lord is with us, the Government, the police and the health workers was standing powerless. It could be more than hundreds killed in Oslo. Gro Harlem Brundtland together with hundreds of youth could be killed, and many more be injured. Unless God, the streets would be full of hatred and anger. Darkness would come across our country. Unless God, death and evil would have power.
God was here on 22 July. Norway was saved for a major disaster. God is the shepherd, searching for its lost sheep. Like a father looking for his lost sons and daughters, God is longing for His beloved children. God is visiting Norway. Our Heavenly Father is calling upon us: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest for your souls.”
Heavenly Father, we thank for Your fatherly care for our country in this deadly attack. Not a single one has fallen to the ground without You knowing it.
Son of God, Jesus Christ, keep Your saving hand over our cross-marked country Norway, and all cross-marked Nordic countries. Put our people in motion.
Holy Spirit, come be still among us, in Norway, in the Nordic countries. Rise up God’s people. Send a new joy and power over us.
Elisabeth and Lars Godman